Fueling Schools with the Power of Relationships

Research-backed, transformational professional learning that unlocks educators’ ability to build secure relationships so teaching and learning can thrive.

Whole Educators = Whole Students

FuelEd develops emotionally-intelligent educators who create relationship-driven schools and is one of the few providers that focus on adult social-emotional competency as a foundation for school and student outcomes.

Our Core Programs

FuelEd programs are going to make you a stronger and more effective leader and person. It's like teaching the whole adult. Thank you for changing my life with FuelEd!

Destiny Shantell Woodbury

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Anchor School

Articles about adult SEL

The Science of Relationships

A Conversation with FuelEd Founder, Megan Marcus

FuelEd founder, Megan Marcus, shares more of FuelEd’s history and where she sees the organization going in the future.

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The Science of Relationships

Science: How Relationships Drive Learning

Our work at FuelEd is based on the principle that relationships drive learning. This first in a series of foundational articles outlining the scientific basis for FuelEd's program, how relationships drives learning, and why this knowledge matters to educators.

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Teaching Skills and Resources

Rethinking “Tough Love”

Instead of preparing students to succeed in a world that values compliance, schools have the potential to equip students to build a happier, healthier, more whole world.

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You’re in good company! Meet some of our funders and partners.


Inspiration & resources on adult SEL and educator wholeness