Invest in Educator Wellbeing

We are building a new world.

A world of possibilities, where education is the gateway to liberation, prosperity, and happiness.

Please join us this giving season with a donation to FuelEd and put relationships at the heart of education by investing in the emotional and social well-being of educators.

Support All Educators

Invest in Safe Spaces

Support the cultivation of free, safe spaces for educators to learn skills, receive care, and build community! Your gift enables us to offer free, accessible content for those who nurture and grow our children every day, and continue to show up and bring care to our community.


A gift of $25-$200 will:

  • Develop educators emotionally through free workshops
  • Build educator empathy by modeling and holding safe spaces
  • Provide educators with the attention and care they deserve

Support Alumni

Invest in Ongoing Care

Support free online spaces for our alumni to be cared for by FuelEd and offer care to one another. We know that educators who receive a combination of training and support showcase increased wellness, self-awareness, and improved relationships.


A gift of $250-$500 will:

  • Empower educators to form peer communities centered on personal growth and connection
  • Enable the development of more intentional spaces for alumni care and growth

Support Leaders

Invest in Communities

Safe communities are created by healthy, developed leaders. Your gift increases access for more educators to develop the interpersonal skills, self-awareness, and emotional well-being necessary to build strong relationships in their schools.


Your gift of $1000 or more will:

  • Make our flagship program and ongoing care accessible to more educational leaders
  • Empower educators with the skills, self-awareness, and support necessary to care for their community
  • Help catalyze teams of educators to create lasting change in their districts or communities


Inspiration & resources on adult SEL and educator wholeness