The FuelEd Blog

Our blog provides a closer look at the organization’s philosophy, pedagogy, and experiences of educator alumni through our framework of science, skills, and self-awareness of relationships and FuelEd's secret sauce.

Teaching Skills and Resources

Bridge the Gap in Teacher Preparation

FuelEd was founded to bridge the gap in new teacher preparation.

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Self-Care vs Community Care

FuelEd trainer, HyoYoung Minna Kim, shares powerful insights on the inextricable link between self-care and community care.

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Teacher Well-Being and Retention

Back to Normal

FuelEd trainer, HyoYoung Minna Kim, shares important reflections on the centrality of educator well-being in healing fractured systems.

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Teaching Skills and Resources

What Is Trauma-Informed Teaching?

In order to see each other, in all our complexity, we must first work to see ourselves more clearly.

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Teacher Well-Being and Retention

Teacher Turnover is Not a New Phenomenon

FuelEd partner, Sheila Whittle, shares vulnerable reflections on burnout and hope.

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Leadership Development

How to Shift School Leadership Style from Control to Collaboration

Welcome to Part 1 of the Think Safe series where you'll hear from Derek Espadas, seasoned educator and FuelEd trainer. In this series, Derek will lead school leaders through the process of developing a relationship-driven leadership style.

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Teacher Well-Being and Retention

Are You Experiencing Teacher Burnout?

There are no quick fixes. Teachers carry so much in their day-to-day lives—along with lunch duty and lesson planning, educators are often on the front lines of supporting students with unique educational and emotional needs. They are coaches, encouragers, and mentors—they give math lessons, relationship advice, and snacks— sometimes all at once. It’s a lot to carry.

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The Science of Relationships

Understanding Avoidant Attachment Styles

At its core, avoidant attachment styles involve the minimization of stress in order to paradoxically keep caregivers close.

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Teaching Skills and Resources

Panorama Education and FuelEd Team Up To Provide Resources for Adult SEL

This partnership will bring FuelEd's research-backed, CASEL-aligned lessons for building Adult SEL (adult social-emotional learning) skills to Panorama Education's Playbook Online Professional Learning Library.

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Teaching Skills and Resources

Trauma Informed Lens - Podcast

FuelEd Partners Megan Marcus Dr. Kelley Munger speak with Matthew Bennett of the Trauma Informed Lens podcast about how educators can serve as secure attachment figures and the power of providing simple and safe places for educators within school culture to receive healing from their own trauma.

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The Science of Relationships

Trauma Informed Educators Network - Podcast

FuelEd Partners Megan Marcus Dr. Kelley Munger speak with Mathew Portell of the Trauma Informed Educators Network podcast where they discuss developing trauma-informed educators.

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The Science of Relationships

Attachment Theory In Action - Podcast

Our own Dr. Kelley Munger speaks with Karen Doyle Buckwalter of the Attachment Theory in Action podcast where they discuss attachment relationships in educational settings.

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The Science of Relationships

Social Emotional Learning for Teachers - Podcast

Join Megan Marcus and Kelley Munger as guests on the Getting Smart Podcast with Rebecca Midles to discuss SEL for Teachers and Relationship Building in classrooms, schools, and districts.

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The Science of Relationships

The Neuroscience of Relationships - Podcast

Join Megan Marcus and Kelley Munger on the FuelEd team to talk about relationship-driven education, the science behind emotional intelligence, and what it means for us as we engage students and donors as delivered on the Fundraising Voices podcast from February 25, 2021.

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Social Emotional Learning

Developing emotionally intelligent educators - Podcast

Join Dr. Kelley Munger (researcher) and Megan Marcus, (founder) of FuelEd on the Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast, episode #105 with Andrea Samadi.

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The Science of Relationships

How Does Neuroscience Intersect With Education? - Podcast

Join Dr. Kelley Munger (researcher) and Megan Marcus, (founder) of FuelEd on the Philanthropy United Podcast, season 01 episode #5 with Jessica Leila Adnani & Kendal Macumber.

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The Science of Relationships

Understanding Disorganized Attachment Styles

A central feature of disorganized attachment styles is the experience of fear inside of early attachment relationships.

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Inspiration & resources on adult SEL and educator wholeness