Teaching Skills and Resources

Panorama Education and FuelEd Team Up To Provide Resources for Adult SEL

This partnership will bring FuelEd's research-backed, CASEL-aligned lessons for building Adult SEL (adult social-emotional learning) skills to Panorama Education's Playbook Online Professional Learning Library.

For almost a decade now, FuelEd has been working with schools, districts, and organizations to develop emotionally intelligent educators who create relationship-driven schools. During that time we have worked with over 14,000 educators in more than 150 schools nationwide; and if there is one thing that we've learned it's that changing school culture requires a deep understanding of what's working and what's not.

That's why we're so excited to be partnering with Panorama Education, one of the premier platforms for measuring and understanding social-emotional learning in schools and districts. With a footprint that reaches over 12 million students in 21,000 schools, 1,500 districts, and 50 states, Panorama Education is committed to "widening our perspective on what matters for students and for school success".

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The Panorama playbook gives their partners access to hundreds of interactive lesson plans and activities that promote SEL skills, student well-being, and academic success in a variety of learning environments. Playbook also includes resources for leading professional development, practicing self-care for educator wellness, engaging families with activities to foster social and emotional development, and implementing school-wide practices to prioritize SEL instruction in your school district.

The resources we have shared with Panorama include activities and guides to help educators facilitate conversations, learn more about relationship building, and develop their own social-emotional learning skills.

They also align directly with topics for teachers and staff from the Panorama Social-Emotional Learning Survey, including:

  • Well-Being
  • Belonging
  • Teacher Self-Reflection
  • Faculty Growth Mindset
  • School Climate
  • Cultural Awareness

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As we work to ensure that there is an emotionally intelligent educator at the front of every classroom, school, and district in America, it's great to partner with leaders like Panorama that understand the value of relationships to drive learning.

Find out more about the Panorama Playbook here and be sure to follow them on social @PanoramaEd and tag us @fueledschools when you do!

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Inspiration & resources on adult SEL and educator wholeness