Social Emotional Learning

Developing emotionally intelligent educators - Podcast

Join Dr. Kelley Munger (researcher) and Megan Marcus, (founder) of FuelEd on the Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast, episode #105 with Andrea Samadi.

Starting her career as a classroom teacher over 20 years ago with a classroom of behavioral students that she couldn’t manage, Andrea knew when she saw that FuelEd focused on educator SEL that she had to speak with our team and learn more about how our work with educators impacts schools.

Here are some of the questions that drove the conversation and the video is embedded below:

  1. Can you tell me more about why you decided to focus on working directly with educators instead of students at FuelEd?
  2. What do you think is the best starting place when it comes to helping educators grow socially and emotionally?
  3. We all know that it was an incredibly difficult year (last year) with many schools thrown into distance learning last spring with the start of the Pandemic. How do you see this year impacting the emotional lives of educators specifically?
  4. What do you think educators will need in order to address the large-scale trauma and stress they have experienced this year?
  5. Why do you think this is such an important topic, and what do you think teachers wish that their leaders understood about educator mental health?
  6. What are your most innovative ideas for restoring teachers and preventing them from leaving the field?
  7. For Megan: What inspired you to launch FuelEd and how did you meet Kelley?

About the author

Megan Marcus

Founder - San Diego CA

Megan holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley and Master’s degrees in Psychology from Pepperdine University. While at Pepperdine, Megan studied under Dr. Louis Cozolino and served as the lead researcher for his book, The Social Neuroscience of Education. Megan then completed a Master’s degree in Education, Policy, and Management from Harvard University, where she explored how to translate the elements of a therapists’ professional training to an educational setting. Her research with Dr. Cozolino and studies at Harvard combined to form the core beliefs that became the bedrock of FuelEd. Since 2012, Megan has passionately served the educational community as FuelEd’s Founder.

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