Growing Empathy is a powerful, cost-effective, capacity-building model designed to scale the use of empathic communication throughout an entire district or school ecosystem.
Growing Empathy helps education leaders build and sustain school climates where emotionally secure relationships drive teaching and learning, foster wellbeing and create successful caring communities.
Partner with us to bring Growing Empathy to your district or school.
Catalyzing a caring, relationship-driven school community
Growing empathy accelerates the creation of relationship-driven classrooms and schools where teaching and learning thrive. It makes schools and districts more successful by expanding the use of empathic communications to generate positive school climates where a sense of community, connection and collective care are the norm.
Watch this introductory video on the Science of Relationships to experience the type of rich video content included in our Growing Empathy program.
School and district partners who implement Growing Empathy benefit from:
The Growing Empathy program is a follow-up program to either our Whole Educator Collective or Empathy School professional learning. The FuelEd team provides training and ongoing support to a select group of on-site educators who then lead the Growing Empathy learning experience over the course of a year within your district or school. Growing Empathy transfers knowledge and skills from FuelEd to district leaders and educators with the following capacity-build program components.
Contact us to learn more about the content and facilitation materials in our Growing Empathy program and discuss how implementation can be customized to meet your needs.
Using empathy to build the relationships that drive learning
Teachers and leaders who participate in our Growing Empathy program learn and experience the power of empathic listening and communication to promote well-being, learning, and growth. They gain the relationship skills needed to carry this work forward into classrooms and schools.
Share the idea of bringing this Growing Empathy Program to your district or school by downloading the program flier.
Following the training, educators will be skilled at...
What Educators Are Saying...