The Science of Relationships

How Does Neuroscience Intersect With Education? - Podcast

Join Dr. Kelley Munger (researcher) and Megan Marcus, (founder) of FuelEd on the Philanthropy United Podcast, season 01 episode #5 with Jessica Leila Adnani & Kendal Macumber.

The mission of the Philanthropy United Podcast is to help nonprofits tell their unique impact stories and expand their network of donors. With the current media focusing on the negative, Philanthropy United wants to bring positivity to our community.

Listen in as the FuelEd team speaks with Philanthropy United on topics ranging from:

  • How we become engaged in education, and why we love this work?
  • How neuroscience intersects with education?
  • Education in the pandemic, how we responded as an educational community, and what can we do better?
  • What is an emotionally intelligent educator?
  • What is a relationship-driven school?
  • How does this all translate to long-term relationships?
  • What can fundraisers and alumni relations professionals take from your research and practice?
  • What are the top things that engagement professionals in education can do to get better at this type of impactful relationship-building?

About the author

Kelley Munger


Kelley holds a BA in English from Auburn University, an MA in Teaching from Lee University, and an MA in Counseling Psychology from Covenant Seminary. She completed her PhD in Early Intervention and Special Education at the University of Oregon in 2019. Kelley is a researcher and licensed therapist working in the areas of trauma, adult attachment, special education, and human development. She is passionate about leveraging the power of relationships to promote developmental flourishing across the lifespan.

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